Taylor Rousseau's History Page
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Mikhail Gorbachev helped to open the soviet union by modernizing the economy and introducing a market economy to Russia. This led to other countries establishing a market economy and become independent. Glasnost is an official policy of the former Soviet government emphasizing candor with regard to discussion of social problems and shortcomings. Perestroika is the Russian term for the economic reforms introduced by the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev its literal meaning is "restructuring", referring to the restructuring of the Soviet economy.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Collapse of Communism
The fall of Communism collapse in Eastern Europe and the USSR because the Cold War ended, Diplomats, finally had an opportunity to enter the Soviet Union without military aid. The Berlin Wall came crashing down. The Berlin Wall came crashing down because East and West Germany form new diplomatic relations, economic and social ties. The Soviet Union collapse because they split up into 15 difference republics and the Soviet Union change the world?Monday, May 07, 2007
Nelson Mandela and Apartheid
Apartheid is a system that separate people according to race, religion, caste, etc. Nelson Mandela was such a hero because he fought for Unity and Liberation. He was so admired by the authors of these articles and sites because his story was touched by many people and it teach us that even that there was only one man he can make a difference if he fight for what he dreams for.
Creation of Israel
Zionism was a Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel. The conflict that occurred when Israel was created was that feud between the Palestinians and Israelis. The reason that the Palestinians and Israelis do not get along because the Israelis where Jewish and the Palestiniansdidn't like them because the Jews kicked out so many Palestinians from their homes and the Jews looked liked they were about to take over.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
African Independence
The reason that African change with in 20 years is that the Africans learned how to fight the Europeans like the Africans protest against the Europeans and I think they fight with weapons (I think) but a African named Kwame Nkrumah lead the protest. One of the leaders that helped with this change was Jomo Kenyatta he has a country named after him. He rised the second Mau Mau.Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Film Lesson - "The Right Stuff"
The US and the USSR were competing in the film "The Right Stuff" to see who can get to outer-space first. The Russian was winning the competition because they where using animals to test out the rocket and other test that the astronauts went through to see if they can handle the pressure of outside space.Monday, April 16, 2007
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest the world ever came to nuclear war. Kennedy eventually ordered low-level reconnaissance missions once every two hours. The Cuba Missile Crisis was considered “the hottest moment in the Cold War”? Because Cuba declared that they will bomb all their enemies with more powerful bombs that were more powerful than the last that they created. On the 25th Kennedy pulled the quarantine line back and raised military readiness to defcon 2. Then on the 26th ex-comm. heard from Khrushchev in an impassioned letter. He proposed removing Soviet missiles and personnel if the U.S. would guarantee not to invade Cuba . October 27 was the worst day of the crisis.
NATO and The Warsaw Pact
NATO is an organization that includes countries in Europe and North America . The reason for the formation of NATO was that the countries involved wanted a mutual defense alliance so that if one of them were attacked all of the other countries in NATO would come to their aide. The Warsaw pact consisted mostly of the Soviet Union and its satellite countries. It was supposed to be another mutual defense alliance like the North Atlantic Treaty, and was created in response to it. The Soviet Union dominated the alliance. The Europeaians formed NATO, and the Soviet Union formed the warsaw pact.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
"Night and Fog"
Some of my reactions to the film "Night and Fog" was shocking. I have found the film as powerful becaues the Jews was set of and torchered at camps that Hiter started. The movie "Night and Fog" shown and gave more detail than the other movie and the movie "Schindler's List" only tells us how the Jews hide and taken away from there homes by the Nazis and force into work at facteries and families taken away or killed. The film "Schindler's List" illustrates the Holocaust more effectively because the shown how the jewish kids try to hide from the Nazisand the shown how the jewish work and being killed.